Friday, March 2, 2012

Inspiration Deck Swap

Sending off my inspiration deck to Jess from In Search of Dessert blog. What a neat idea! Once more people (somebody! anybody!) follow this wee blog maybe I can host one as well! The idea behind this that everyone has a deck of cards that they decorate, paint, collage and then send to the person hosting the swap. (Kinda like Artists Trading Cards. More on that later.) Then she hole punches them and puts them on an O-ring and sends them off to everyone that participated. Each person will get their own Inspiration Deck with one card from all different artists! I love this idea.

I did find myself wanting more time to work on them. I had to hold my inner critic at bay. It was funny, the ones that I totally screwed up on , I kept adding paint and pen and what have you and they turned out to be my favorites in the end~ What an intriguing lesson in creativity.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings, Maggie - How exciting to receive my inspiration card deck in the mail TODAY and one of your cards! Plus, the card is actually in your photo above (it's the 2nd one on the left "breathe in positivity"). Thanks for the inspiration. Qaadira
