Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Group Painting Sesh?

Jeez...I haven't posted here since March and now I'm on a roll!!

Just stumbled upon this: Urban Art Bar .

It's a bar where you can paint! It's in Boston though but wouldn't it be cool to have one here on the Cape or somewhere on the South Shore?

I'd like to start one of these too...Where could we hold such a gathering?

Helpful Links To Artistic Trading Cards

More about Artist Trading Cards:

Check these out....

Flickr group: Pictures of ATC

Article on Artist Trading Cards

Yahoo Group: Artist Trading Cards

ATCs for All

Art Junction

Our very own ATC Swap !

Artist Trading Card Swap is underway!

1.) Take a deck of cards , or trace a credit card on cardboard, bristol board or cereal box and cut out
2.) Paint with gesso (white paint for a solid base) or glue on paper of choice
3.) Decorate, paint, stamp, glue, collage, write quotes~ whatever your heart desires

Above is a selection of ATC cards found at Michael's crafts for $1.99 each (package of 10) but if you have old playing cards or cereal boxes laying around feel free to go that route ! (I am!)

If you would like to join the Deck Swap and deck of 52 cards need to be completed by December 1st. That gives you 2 whole months to set aside a table where you can dabble in creativity each day (wouldn't that be great!). I'll post a weekly inspirational idea for your cards to get the juices flowing. Remember~ You do not have to be particularly creative or an "artist" to join in the fun. This isn't a contest or anything. Just a bit of community spirit through art:)

I will give each of you my address privately so you can mail your cards to me where I will then separate equally, package up and send back to you. There will only be a small fee for mailing (around $10).

Let me know what you think!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I love Home Depot

I went to Home Depot to get a length of wood 8" wide. I had a vision of 8x8 blocks that I could sand the edges, gesso and paint. The nice fellow that cuts the wood said he could only cut 12" lengths. To my dismay, looking somewhat downtrodden (I was actually trying to do the math in my head!) he said, " Okay, I'll do it but they are still 12" long" Heehee. So here I have a stack of pine 8x8s just begging to be covered in color, collage, mixed media, wax, pen, ink , etc etc. SO much cheaper than canvas and more durable. I am just going to add wire to the back attached with thumbtacks and Voila!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Inspiration Deck Swap

Sending off my inspiration deck to Jess from In Search of Dessert blog. What a neat idea! Once more people (somebody! anybody!) follow this wee blog maybe I can host one as well! The idea behind this that everyone has a deck of cards that they decorate, paint, collage and then send to the person hosting the swap. (Kinda like Artists Trading Cards. More on that later.) Then she hole punches them and puts them on an O-ring and sends them off to everyone that participated. Each person will get their own Inspiration Deck with one card from all different artists! I love this idea.

I did find myself wanting more time to work on them. I had to hold my inner critic at bay. It was funny, the ones that I totally screwed up on , I kept adding paint and pen and what have you and they turned out to be my favorites in the end~ What an intriguing lesson in creativity.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Apothecary Workshop is...

a blog dedicated to the creative vibe that lives in all of us! Stay tuned for art workshops to express what has been hidden and yearns to be uncovered~ Workshops include ATCs, art journals, 4x4 prompts and a whole lot more! Welcome to the Apothecary~